Irwin Video have been very busy with car clinic filming this year. We have been as far east as Shanghai and as far west as Los Angeles. In June, we worked on our first car clinic filming project in the beautiful city of Copenhagen. The departure board in the picture shows just some of the…

Filming and AV for Car Clinics
Filming and AV for Car Clinics Irwin Video specialise in providing car clinic AV and focus group filming. We have provided car clinic AV support for many different market research companies. We work on automotive research projects in the UK and for multi-market projects around the world. Filming Services & AV for Car Clinics: Operated or Static Camera HD Filming…

Conference Filming at The London Cardiac Arrest Symposium
Conference filming and web-streaming represents a large part of what Irwin Video offer. This week we have been filming at the London Cardiac Arrest Symposium held at the impressive Royal Geographical Society buildings in Kensington, London. We filmed 12 speakers and captured their presentation material in high definition. The final edited videos display a split screen…

A Busy Month of Car Clinic AV
The Irwin Video crews have been very busy this month providing car clinic AV services. This weekend we have been working on two car research events, one in London and one in Düsseldorf. This totals five car clinics for us this month, including one crew flying out to work on an event in Dubai. Car Clinic…

Focus Group Web Streaming
Irwin Video’s low-cost focus group web streaming service has been designed specifically for market research projects. We can securely web stream your focus groups, depth interviews and vox-pops from a hotel, viewing facility, recruiter’s home or wherever you decide to conduct your research project. We can offer focus group web streaming from anywhere, even venues where there is no broadband internet or the…

Fourth Promotional Video for Cheshire based Company
Irwin Video have completed the fourth promotional video in a series of films for CoreRFID. Cheshire based CoreRFID have been very pleased with the series of promotional films that we have produced for them. This year alone, CoreRFID have commissioned four case study films which show how their clients benefit from their RFID products and services. The latest promotional film…